Each of the two conference days will feature four keynotes on central issues within the social neuroscience of relationships, attachment & caregiving by well-known expert speakers within the field. Topics will include most recent theory and research as part of the two neuroanatomical models of organised and disorganised human attachment (NAMA & NAMDA), the maternal brain, homeostasis, allostasis & co-regulation, genetics & epigenetics, oxytocin and social touch.
After a well-deserved lunch break, each day’s keynote speakers will be present for a panel discussion to engage in a dialogue with one another as well as the audience.
Each conference day will then feature dedicated early career researcher sessions consisting of short talks as well as a poster session. We are very happy to be able to provide prizes for both the best short talk and poster presentation.
Preliminary Program in a Nutshell (all times are UK times):
09:00 – 12:30 Keynotes including a 30-minute break
12:30 – 14:00 Lunch Break
14:00 – 17:00 Panel Discussion and Early Career Researcher Talk & Poster Sessions
All keynote speakers will be present in person. Conference attendance is possible both in person and remotely. Please be advised that early career researcher presentations can only be remote in the case of short talks. However, posters can nonetheless be submitted remotely and will be uploaded to a dedicated online conference repository.
Keynotes will be recorded and made available to conference attendees in a dedicated online conference repository for extended and asynchronous viewing.
Registration & Abstract Submission (see also here)
Conference participation as a listener only (in person and remote) as well as with abstract submission for oral (in person and remote) and poster (in person only) presentations is possible.
Abstracts should include original work (already obtained data, projects being currently carried out or in preparation) within the scope of the conference topic and ideally comprise at least one social neuroscience method (i.e., physiology, endocrinology, brain activation & synchrony), although behavioural data is also going to be considered.
►Abstract Submission is now open. Deadline for abstract submission is June 15, 2023. A selection committee will then evaluate all submissions and decisions will be sent out by June 30, 2023.
►Registration fee payment will be opened from July 01 and will need to be completed by July 31.
►Participation requests for attendance as a listener only, as well as registration fee payment for these attendance modes, is now also possible and will remain open until July 31.
The conference will take place at the University of Essex in Colchester, UK. Colchester can be easily reached by public transport from London.
Please check the dedicated accommodation page for more information regarding affordable on-campus accommodation (information will be made available as soon as possible).